Saturday, July 28, 2007

How Ice Chrysanthemum Tea Is Made

How Ice Chrysanthemum tea is made? It’s simple actually.

1. Find a nearest toilet bowl.
2. Connect the pipe from the toilet bowl to a container.
3. Put some ice.
4. Wait.

Soon, you'll get a freshly made ice cool tea. See, I told you, it's as simple as ABC. Enjoy your drink under the hot sun!


hao said...

jasonmumbles: Hiak hiak...

Anonymous said...

go die.

hao said...

yung: T_____T

-SaMYP- said...


hao said...

-samyp-: 哇哈哈哈哈!

Anonymous said...

now i know why u r called sleepyhao. lol must be drinking too much of that crysanthemum tea liao. =P

hao said...

littlepolaris: Why sleepy ler? The awful taste should wake me up... Hahahaha... btw, I nvr drink any pee before, that's why always sleepy :P

Rabbit said...

OMG u r gross! I thought u really have an idea to teach us how to make chrysanthemum tea cos its one of my favourite!

Now i doubt if i really wanna order chrysanthemum again next time. =(

hao said...

rabbit: There's different way to make chrysanthemum tea and this is one of the way. Just kidding lar... Wait I go learn how to make the drinkable one first then I teach you again... hahaha