Sunday, June 24, 2007

New Outlook

Sleepy As Usual has its new look. Yay!

After I uploaded it to my blog, I went to seek opinions from Jason and Sam, simultaneously.

Me: Hey, check out the new look at my blog

*moments later*

Jason and Sam: Why you put shit in your banner?
Me: Cos I don’t have any idea what to put already.
Jason and Sam: But why SHIT??

I don’t know it’s a coincidence that they reply the same thing or typical townfolks from Tampin that feel that shit should only exist inside toilet bowls and not anywhere else especially in blog banners.

*Knock some sense of humor into their heads*


hao said...

Jason: C'mon, don't look at this seriously, it's meant to be funny in some sort of way. Any idea what to put than this? I'm running out of idea seriously.

yung . said...

lolz, though it's shit, but it's still QUTE! hahaa

hao said...

yung: Cute shit ler, but somehow I feel that Jason thinks it's disgusting. lol

-SaMYP- said...

wuahaha...tampin ppl got same idea owez...we call it 心灵相通..hahaha...
Yalor,i agree wat jason said...jz shit we can c once step into one's hs

hao said...

-samyp- :No need to tell me you agree with Jason I also know what you're thinking, don't forget your "心灵相通". You should be thankful that I didn't post my own shit ah... lol