Monday, October 01, 2007

The Ultimate Freezer

It looks like an ordinary refrigerator that you can find in any other household.

If you open the door, even the messy content isn't unusual for a shared fridge among housemates.

Until you lift up your head, and see this...

Look at the amount of ice inside the freezer. With that amount of ice, I think I can make hundreds bowl of ice kacang with it. I can barely open the cover, the maximum angle I can open is only 20 to 30 degree. The thickness of the ice made the door stuck, you can imagine how bad it is.

Since I've finished one of the two final exam paper this morning and my next paper is on this coming Saturday, I was given the task to destroy this massive amount of ice before it gets out of hand and sink a Titanic.

I start to tackle the ice with this little Excalibur Junior.

I stab, I slice, I cut with every strength I have, but it doesn't do any damage to this Everest Hill. I need to think of an idea to battle this monster. Finally, the bulb above my head shines "Ting!" An idea strikes. Off I go to find the secret weapon that can tame this ice beast, which is...



Switching to the max speed, I start to point my gun towards the creature. Soon, ice starts melting, water starts dripping. By looking at the scenario, I can imagine what will happen to the North Pole and then the rest of the World if we still can't view the Global Warming matter seriously.

Off I go blowing my hair dryer on the ice, the amount of ice getting lesser and lesser, but it's still thick. I must get to the magic button to end all this, I can't give up yet...

Alas! The magic button which located far top right of the ice freezer. The button is frozen with the ice, which makes it difficult to push or even turn the knob. With the hot air from the hair dryer, the solid ice around it starts to melt away. With an easy push, I let the defrost function does its job.

This mission is almost the same like archeology expedition in North Pole, where we need to overcome the cold, hard and cruel ice to get to the target we're searching. The only difference between us is the expedition might find some prehistoric animals like Woolly Mammoth hidden behind the thick ice, as for me, I found...

... hotdogs instead.


Anonymous said...

WARAOO u bian tai lah! where got leave the freezer till lidat 1

Anonymous said...

Your hotdogs can be kept for another 10 years in that.

hao said...

yung: Seldom use mar, I only found out when Jap told me... wahahaha

wayne liew: I plan to keep it for 1000 years so that our future generation knows how the hotdogs look like 1000 years back, good idea? lol

kimfei said...

damn..u broke my record...

Anonymous said...

If you want to avoid the thick ice cube inside the freezer.B4 you put your goodies, put a layer of plastic bag below it.Then you noneed to worry the freezer will become like this.