Final exam was finally over. After the tiring two weeks of studying, all I hope is not to get a first class, but just a mere pass. My expectation is low, unlike those kiasu that study from dawn til dark until he/she doesn’t even know whose their parents are. Ok, I admit that I’m jealous about their result. I hope there’s a little bit of this kiasu thing in my blood, cause I don’t have the motivation to study and get good grades. When it comes to study, I can’t sit still with my eyes just looking at the notes. I just can’t concentrate, you can see me reading the notes for 15mins, and I’ll be either sleeping or playing my computer for the next 1hour. For those that can sit for hours reading the notes and studying, can you guys please teach me how you guys manage to do it?
To compensate back the time I wasted in the day and to finish studying all the materials before the exams, I usually read during the night when it’s cool and quiet. No disturbances from other people as most of them are sleeping soundly. And if you have a roommate who is like those other ordinary people, then it’s the best time you can enjoy the porns you downloaded all by yourself. Hey, I mean you, not me, don’t misunderstood ok?
But it’s not a good idea to stay up so late when you have a paper to sit in the next morning. Let me tell you my experience which just happened to me four days ago. As usual, I was preparing myself for my paper. This subject requires more memorizing than calculations. With the bad memory I have and afraid I’ll end up remembering nothing during the exam, I just slept for like 3 hours that night. 3 hours might be enough for you but not for me, I usually sleep up to 10 hours. So that night, I slept at 2am, woke up at 4.30am. But, when I start reading, nothing can get into my brain and I was very sleepy until I even took a short 15 to 30 minutes nap. Later on, I sit for the exam at 9am. When I read the question, nothing came out from my mind. My mind is totally blank. I can’t even crap on the answer sheet, let alone answering the questions. 4 questions and I finished it for less than one hour, I was running out of ideas on what to write. My brain is too tired to handle it. I looked around me, everyone was still writing. From far, I can see their answer sheet full of words and diagrams. I know I was in deep shit. And there was a student that sat next to my table, and he kept looking mine answer sheet. WTF? I don’t even know how to answer the questions and he’s still looking at my answer? He wanted to copy my answer or he just wanted to have a laugh on the answer I wrote? Afraid that he’ll end up copying my answers, I covered up with my exam questions. The craps I wrote on my paper is not even the correct one and I don’t want to drag him into the water with me. See, I’m so nice.
Moral of the story: Sleep well before your exam, your brain needs a lot of rest for full performances. I just hope I can pass this paper.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Finished Exam, Exam Finished
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Something's Wrong with this SC2 Artwork
I was browsing through the artwork section in Starcraft 2 official webpage and I came across this picture.
Tell me what’s wrong in the picture below
Still can’t notice it? Nevermind, I narrow down the search for you.
Still can’t figure it? C’mon, use some of your imaginations.
Giving up? Alright, scroll down for the answer
Posted by
4:44 PM
1 snores
Labels: Lame Attempts
Monday, May 21, 2007
Help Needed on My Sidebar
If you’ve noticed, my white colour sidebar background stopped right after MyBlogLog’s box. I have tried a lot of ways but due to my shallow knowledge on HTML coding, I failed to fix it to the way I want it.
My intention is to make the white colour sidebar background expands all the way to the footer even when there's nothing in it. So the main content doesn’t look like it shrinks after the sidebar ended.
The current Blogger Template I’m using now is Minima White.
Please help me with it, anyone?
Thanks in advance.
Posted by
11:51 AM
Labels: Uncategorized
Friday, May 18, 2007
Agent 016
I was on my way back home from the library with my housemate, Jian and we passed by a group of people wearing FU-YOH shirts and shouting “FU-YOH!!” at the Plaza Siswa.
Uncle Bob
Then a girl promoter approached us, and she invited us to play a very simple game. We are asked to choose any two little cards from nine cards on the deck with the back of the card of top so we won’t know what’s the colour underneath each card and if the two cards we chose have the same colour, we’ll win prizes. We gave it a shot as it took not much time from us anyway.
So Jian gave his shot first. Blue – that’s his first card. Green – Owh, don’t match. He got a pen as a consolation prize. So it was my turn. The girl did some rearranging out of my eyesight before I tried. I flipped the first card… blue! Then I tried my luck on the card which is placed in the same position where Jian got his first Blue card, hoping that the girl did not switched any of the cards with that one. I flipped and it’s… BLUE!
It means I'm going to win some prize! Yay!! And the prize for that is…
I’m 007’s junior, 016. Don’t play play
A fisherman’s hat! And I wore it on the way back as the evening sunlight is too strong and I can barely opened my eyes and the hat came in handy.
Posted by
6:40 PM
Labels: My Life and I
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
My Flying Gerbil
After my friend showed me the continuous shots of a gerbil jumping from a place to another place with a gap in between by some other gerbil keepers, I decided to see if my gerbil can really “fly” like the others. Mind you, not every gerbil flies, just like my other two fat boys, Scruffy and Spottie.
After I’ve seen the pictures, I took the three boys out from their tank and chose Kiki for the stunt as he’s the skinniest among the three and he runs like a rocket on my bed. He has the most agilities and speed compare to the other two, and with the light weight, I'm sure he can do it.
I put him on my chair and my bed as his landing spot, with 20cm gap from my chair to my bed. After seeing that he succeed in the attempts, I took out my digicam and get ready to take the continuous shots of him jumping.
When I saw he was going to leap, I pressed the shutter *Chik chik chik* Guess what? That fella made a U-turn back to the chair and this continues whenever I pressed the shutter. Damn, kena xien ka by him. After a lot of attempts, I managed to get some shots but it turns out to be blurry. As I need to use fast shutter speed but the background lighting was not strong enough, and my flash will lag as it need some time to charge up before the next one.
Identify the landing spot
Estimate the distance
My gerbil smart one I tell you, can do calculations and estimations before he jumps.
I gave up taking pics and I took a video in the end. Don’t try this with your gerbil at home k? My Kiki is trained by professional (me la!)
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
My List
The purpose of My List is to gather all Malaysian blogs under the banner of unity and creating a huge bookmark. So much richness can be found within our very own Malaysian blogs and this will open up our minds and hearts to the lives of our fellow bloggers. If you are keen to participate, kindly read this page entirely for instructions and guidelines.
Who can Participate?
* Malaysian bloggers residing anywhere on mother earth.
* Non-Malaysians whose blogs feature anything pertaining to Malaysia (example: Malaysian food, Formula 1 in Malaysia and etc).
* Blog submitted must be of good quality contents. Please do not submit your blog which is less than 2 weeks old.
Dateline for Participation
31st May 2007
Important Guidelines
* One reminder email will be sent once the final list is updated on this page after the deadline.
* All participants must then feature a brand new post before 15th of June with the final updated and complete list of participating Malaysian blogs downloadable directly via the email or from this dedicated My List page.
* All My List Post must be permanent and accessible.
Submitting Your Other Blogs
You may submit as many blogs which is owned by you but each blog entry must contain their own My List post.
How To Participate
1. Download My List in Text format.
2. Make a new post promoting My List and guide your fellow Malaysian readers to this page if they are keen to participate.
3. Copy the entire Text File you downloaded.
4. Paste it at the end of your post. (You can arrange it however you prefer if it goes lengthy but ensure the entire list is there)
5. Publish the post and ensure all links are in working order.
6. Submit your contact details and the permanent url of your MyList post by using this contact form.
7. Your blog url will then be added to the list.
8. Post a new post of the final My List after receiving an email notification as mentioned in the guidelines above. This is done to ensure everyone will benefit from this even those who participate later or close to the deadline.
My List Participants
blogs">thoughts ---> blogs
Share Everything In Life
Value Bookshop’s Reading Notes
Tips and Tricks to Happy Parenting
life is beautiful
Adino Online
Penang Homes
A Mom's Diary
Health Freak Mommy - It’s hot
Tracking Movies
Voice of a Glass Doll
Online Article Directory
Wise Life Advice
Kaklong Online Portal
Down Memory Lanes
Sleeping Princess
Online Bisnes Forex Marketing Blog
Pigeon Card
KCLau’s Money Tips
The Great Swifty Speaketh
Mr & Mrs. Imran
If fate allow our destinies to meet
From chopstix to steak knives
Where's My Noose?
Duke Amiene Rev
Mum & Kids In Wonderland
Yum-Yum Cuisine
Software, Web Development and Technology
just another ordinary story
Mummy In Vain's Little World
How To Solve Your Question
add this to my life
Free Encyclopedia
High Paying Keywords
arshad's photojourney
Lovelymummy's Bay
My Yummy Cruise
Home Sweet Home
Lovely Mummy
OnlineBisnes Malay Blog
Purest of e2wen
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Blog Badruzamani.Org
Parenting Life
Forum Newbie Bisnes Internet & Blogger
Mohd Sufian
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
hcfoo's blog
Amazing Grace
The Sanctuary
Welcome To cHrIstInA_YY's Pink World
Defying Destiny
Dead Boredom Seeking Freedom
An amazing & adventurous journey
Fluffy's Day Off
My Fairy-Tale
Once Upon A Time
Money Making Blog
Bubba Stuff
Little Raymond's
quaint melody
Seraph Chronicles
Route Brumeuse
Coder's Talk
Reggae And SKA
Art Of ApOgEE
Coretan Pengalaman Mat
Diet & Detoxification
Karma Kameleon
Hsien's Dirty Little Secret
The Rojak Blog
My Life Online
Fun Stuffs
Donny's Bits
Nicholas Chan's Blog
dream of's DESIGN
strike freedom 115
Truly Malaysia
It's another new day
Lisan's Scribbles
Ramblings of a 22 years old
The Towering Joe
Life's a Breeze
Life's Roller Coaster
In His Time
in His time
The New Sanctuary
a life full of surprises
Sketches of Life
Shannon's Old Space
Pikey Dude
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I am Who I am
yung . silent whisper
Simple Life
One blog.One girl.One story
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Giddy Tigers
Make Money Online: Exploring The Dark Side of Blogging
Xilly's Blog
Malaika Xiao Yu
My Home Recipe
SQKIKI’s Simple Tech
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Just My Lil' Organic Life
Oooh La La...
Weird World of MerapuMan
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The World at My Fingertips
Organic Income
Organic Parade
Shopping Flavor
Daily postings of a chung ling student
Something about LAI
KennyP’s Technology Blog
Women Mumbles
Lyon & Wien
Under The SUN
Crumbs In Life
SotongZai's Flow In the Ocean
Christene's Kitchen
[ Wood ] [ Earth ] [ Cheap ] [ Flight ]
Ah Ling's blog
Memoirs.:*CRoSs mY hE@Rt
vivivava Design
My Mothering Corner
Shoppingmum’s Home Office
My Filling Station
Shopping Mum
All about Beauty
Shoppingmum and Kids
Notes from my heart
Joy Montessori
wahlau's online hut
Cedric’s Asylum
mott’s mutterings
Just My Thoughts
Incoherent Ramblings
Make Money Online with Malaysia Love AGLOCO
Funky Cookies
Earn Money Online
PabloPabla's Whatever
Make Money with Blogging
Paris Beaverbanks
Free Links Giveaway
Free Blogger Templates
Making a Living
How to be a Better Blogger
My Women Stuff
Hochiak! Delicious Asian Food
Best Recipes
Champagne Tastes on a Beer Budget
Daryl's Discovery Journey
The fluff must go somewhere
Posted by
11:48 PM
1 snores
Labels: Uncategorized
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Final exam is coming around the corner. I just can’t concentrate when studying and I’m struggling from falling asleep while reading those boring notes. To make me stay awake while reading those bloody boring theories and formulas, I went down to the mini market and grab a bottle of Red Bull to drink.
Hoping that I have the power of the bull to keep me going on, reading the notes even if I don’t really have any ideas what the notes is talking about (blame the lecturer for providing such a lousy notes and she don’t even know how to teach in class). At least, I actually read something rather than falling asleep so when I sit for the exam, I can still bullshit in my paper with the bull power I gained during my revisions and hopefully I can get some sympathy marks from the lecturer. Eh wait, later the lecturer gives me bullshit marks for those bullshits in the paper. If that bullleh happen, I mar hailat!
Having the thoughts that Red Bull will give me bullshit in my paper which will result with a bullshit marks, right after I finished the bull’s pee, I went back to the mini market and grab a can of 100plus.
Posted by
7:13 PM
Labels: Lame Attempts
Friday, May 11, 2007
Man Utd is Coming
If you are a fan of football, and furthermore, a Manchester United fan, you should know that there’ll be a tour to Japan, South Korea, Macau and Malaysia. They will be visiting us in Kuala Lumpur on 27th July.
As a fan of Man Utd myself, I’m looking forward for the match in Kuala Lumpur. But, the cb kiasu president of AFC scare Man Utd’s presence will divert the attention away from the Asian Cup. Like we’ll watch Asian Cup if Man Utd doesn’t turn up. More info here.
The fans start pigcock (tulan la!) and they participated in the The Stars online poll disagreed the cancellation of the match. Some of the comments like “Sorry, what cup did you say it was again? Asian Cup? Is that a coffee cup?” and “Where’s the logic? Only about 10 people in this country are interested in the Asian Cup, compared to literally a million MU fans. Do the math.” really cracks me up. See, I told you MU fans really pigcock liao… Anyway, bravo to those that gave those comments.
Something surprised me today as I though there’s no hope for my favourite team to play here until I found out that our PM, Pak Lah, actually insist the game to go ahead (More info here). Jeez, I don’t know our beloved PM is a Man Utd fan. lol
Thursday, May 10, 2007
A Vibrator?
Flexible Head
The Flexible Head node goes deep into the muscle tissues for effective relief of aches and pains. Being flexible, it allows a closer, yet comfortable contact with your body for a more therapeutic and effective massage.
Light and Powerful
Designed to be light, yet powerful, it tackles hard-to-reach areas and provides instant relief. Engineered with balance in mind, the uniform weight distribution of it makes the whole experience bliss!
2 Speed Selection
The choice of two speeds allows you more massage flexibility. The higher speed is effective for counteracting stiffness, while the lower speed soothes aches and pains.
Slim Handle
The sleek contour makes it easy to handle for anywhere.
Point and Massage
A clever vibration system focuses the energy at the Flexible Head – and not in the handle.
Cordless, Rechargeable and Portable
Rechargeable NiCad batteries allow a versatile cordless experience, giving you a mobile sensation in style. Alternatively, you can use it with the cord connected to an AC outlet.
Auto-Charging Shut Off
This feature prevents overcharging of battery after 60 minutes.
For goodness sake, it's just a handheld massager from Osim, named iVibe. It's selling for RM218 each with one year warranty. I guess it targets the market for women and gays. Am I thinking what you were thinking in the first place?
ps: Some of the description is edited to avoid the fun being exposed. Hehe
Posted by
12:38 AM
Labels: Lame Attempts
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Japanese Buffet at Kam Pachi
I went to a SamKam Pachi (三勘八) at Equatorial Hotel in Melaka for Japanese Buffet with the high-comms of H2O Club.
From Sushi to Teriyaki, you can eat as much as your stomach can fill. I wonder who will go in and eat as many wasabi as he can?
Picture time!
Doriyaki! Doraemon loves it, so do I. Hehe
I don't know what's this but it's nice
Prank of the day: Hidden wasabi in ice-cream! Too bad I didn’t capture the pictures of hiding the wasabi in the ice-cream. Actually it’s simple, scoop the ice-cream half way, put a spoon full of wasabi into the ice-cream, and continue to scoop until the ice-cream is in the spherical shape with wasabi hidden inside. Pretend to be thoughtful for offering the ice-cream to your friend, sit back and wait for your friend to burst in tears.
From left to right: Me, Sharon, Guan, Eunice, Sissy Desmond and Teck Loi
I’ve been there once last year. Compare to last year, it has more varieties and the food improves a lot. You can give it a try if you’re a Japanese food lover.
Friday, May 04, 2007
Dinner at Makko Restaurant
Ah… finally got the free time to write a new entry. I’ve been very busy with assignments and projects for the past few days. One of them is food selling in my campus for the Cyberpreneurship subject. It ends today so with the profit we earned from the food selling, my groupmates and I decided to take the money for a dinner to reward ourselves. So we went to a Nyonya restaurant in Melaka Raya – Makko Restaurant.
What we ordered…
Tauhu Hachewww Tauchew
Sambal Sotong
Pongteh Chicken
Kangkung Belacan (My all time favourite)Cincailah Cincaloh Eggs
Satay Chicken
Cendol as dessert
Actually I wanted to do a brief review on the food I ate but I just realized that I was in hungry mode just now, so I was too busy eating and taking pics at the same time. And now, I can’t remember how the food tastes like.
After 10mins…
I guess I’m not the only hungry wolf in the pack, there’re 10 more hungry wolves other than me.
And the bill turned out to be…
RM176.71. It's not even enough to cover it with the money we earned and each of us have to fork out some money for that amount.
Overall, the food is ok for the price like that. Frankly, I’m still a little bit hungry now as there’re 11 of us and the portion of the food is not much.
After I ciak pa bo su cho, I started playing pranks with the sexy camera shy Paris Hilton that sat beside me.
Ciak pa bo su cho
Too free. Translate directly: Nothing to do after finish eating.
eg: I ciak pa bo su cho, so I kick the guy's ass.

Errr... give me 5?
Why I call him Paris Hilton since he’s a guy? That one I’ll reveal if he doesn’t want to lend me assignments to copy in the future.
