Monday, June 30, 2008

Where the Hell is Matt?

*A one-post-break from the Bali trip posts*

I'm not sure whether you guys seen these videos in YouTube or not, but I really want to share them :P

The videos put a smile on my face, not because of the dancing, but how wonderful the World is and this lucky bastard get to visit those places. What a wonderful world.

*Start humming "What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong*

Speaking about the dancing, to the ah beng or lala out there, the dance works any place on the Earth but not in night clubs. So don't even think about it! LOL


Anonymous said...

Check out 2nd vid at 1:30...

Spot the hardo gay~~~

3POINT8 said...

This guy is sick!
When he release his video, its always being featured in youtube! This guy is good!

hao said...

aw: Ya wor, you didn't say I also didn't noticed it... hahah

3point8: Yeap, no doubt he's good =)